As woman in her later thirties, with an unexpected third child, who had all sorts of expectations for her career and now finds herself drowning in invisible burdens I resonate so much with what you’ve written. Thank you for taking the time to write this down and share with us. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

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Thinking about invisible burdens, I've never thought of it like that because I'm so conditioned to carry them that I haven't even named them. Man, so good to remember we can do this differently than how we've done it before.

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I'm grateful to God its possible to do better! Thank you, Tiffany. Love you!

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Ashley! I feel seen. Thank you for your honesty. This is exactly what I've been going through. I too had this kind of breakdown, and I had to stop, slow down and reevaluate my priorties. I also felt like I couldn't stop, and all the invisible burdens. The thing I kept asking was "Am I the only one feeling and going through this?" Reading your post tonight I felt like it was God telling me your not alone Reyna. So Ashley thank you for writing. Your writing is so refreshing to me, inspiring, and brings me hope! I am sorry you experienced all this, but I am thankful for your growth because you are able to help others going through similar journeys! Love you!

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I'm so thankful for your encouragement, Reyna. It's so beautiful to know that we are not alone. Thank you for sharing - love you so!

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Thank you for taking a risk to write about this. We don’t often talk about the real, hard experiences we’ve experienced or currently face, so it’s refreshing and comforting to read your words.

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Thank you for you for helping me all the way through. I love and appreciate your friendship. With you for life!

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You’re welcome. Thank you for being a trusted friend since the moment we met. For life!

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Feeling all of this. Thank you for sharing. Excited to continue with the series.

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I feel all of this.

And it’s an odd thing to hit midlife while also having babies. I too am in that boat. At 43, my youngest child (of 6) is 8 months old. I feel ready -- and my body is ready -- to move into a new phase but I breastfeeding a baby and chasing a toddler. It’s an uncomfortable juxtaposition at times.

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