I know this story and I've lived a different version of it. I hate it here (the outraged-fueled spaces on the internet which is almost every space on the internet these days).

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Jan 26Liked by Ashley Abercrombie

I am about to throw my entire shoe collection across the country at you, girl!!

I have been so angry that America’s achievement has been ignored by the masses and the media in service of the Prototypical Barbie - who, by the way, gave a spectacular speech in America’s honor at the Critics Choice Awards. Where is Margot now? I feel like I need her to speak up.

It would have been a PR disaster for America to celebrate her accomplishment as a Latina, and the fact that women everywhere not only have overlooked that fact but have diminished and erased her has me steaming.

These words were healing. Thank you for giving America her flowers.

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Jan 26Liked by Ashley Abercrombie

I have really narrowed my scrolling habits down to Substack, a couple of publications, and Zillow 🙃 so thank you for telling me what's going on out there, but also - yes. I feel this same weariness with the yelling into the void everywhere. All the voids.

I'm really, really contemplating how we can shift more of this energy toward action rather than the rage-despair cycle. like, I've been contemplating it for years and years, but these days feel closer to a turning point.

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